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Memorialʹnyy Kompleks \Zirka Polyn\ is rated 4.6 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY]. Read and write reviews about Memorialʹnyy Kompleks \Zirka Polyn\.
love the scenery, i also found a cute dog. It might look weird but i'm keeping it. also his name is stripe
Very nice place, found a dog with 5 legs, would go there again
I got sick with radiation. I have 24 hours left to live. It was amazing here. I also grew an extra hand. Dont know what to do now.
I go to this park to enjoy with my dog. But now my dog become cerberus :)
A very cool place, went here for a day or so, came back with six cancer tumors and 1 week to live. Very cool experience, just wish I could’ve stayed longer.
huge experience to visit Chernobyl but also screen to visit and see what happened enough nuclear waste comes in nature awkward to think and see. but Can only say a super amazing story experience AND probably take it from you think what happened to another nuclear power plant Explorer in the air. one can only say than great fantastic experience visiting chornobyl
Was taken there as part of tour with Gamma Travel. Tour guide natalie was very knowledgeable and really helped to paint a picture of what happened and was very detailed about monumental history.
I grew one extra ballshack, very nice!
Memorialʹnyy Kompleks \Zirka Polyn\
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